Multicellular organisms constantly remove unneeded cells through
phagocytosis. Proper and efficient cell clearance is crucial for normal
development and maintenance of a stable body. To understand the molecular
and cellular mechanisms of this evolutionarily conserved process, we employ
the fruit fly Drosophila Melanogaster as a powerful genetic model, which permits
comprehensive mechanistic in vivo studies and provides a
complement to more medical approaches in the field.
We study the molecular basis of cell clearance with a particular
interest in the role of glial phagocytosis in the establishment and
function of the central nervous system (CNS). We anticipate our
research to move forward the current knowledge about
neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders.
Apoptotic cell clearance during development
Establishment of
phagocytic ability
The role of phagocytic glia during aging and neurodegeneration